1. Schedule an appointment : Click the ‘Schedule an appointment’ link on the left side menu and follow the below listed steps:
- a. Select the Visiting Country (option available only for Contact Centre user. For Individuals /Travel Agents, this option is disabled.)
- b. Select the Residing Country (option available only for Contact Centre user. For Individuals /Travel Agents, this option is disabled.)
- c. Select the location: Centre will be the Visa Application Centre (VAC) for the appointment
- d. Select an appointment category
- e. Click on the ‘Continue’ button to go to the ‘Customer List’ page.
- f. Customer list: For new customers, the customer list will be blank. They can add customers’ details before proceeding with appointment date selection. Customers will have to validate all the updated details before submitting as no change is subsequently permitted. For any change, customers will have to cancel and reschedule a new appointment.
- g. Confirm appointment: Click on the ‘Confirm’ button in the final calendar page to confirm your appointment.
- h. An appointment confirmation message will be displayed on the screen.
- i. An email will be triggered to the customer/s after appointment confirmation..
2. Reschedule an appointment : To reschedule an appointment, customers need to have the reference number with a valid future appointment. They can click on the ‘Reschedule an appointment’ link and follow the below listed steps:
- a. Enter the reference number and click on ‘Submit’ to retrieve the customer/s details
- b. Select the customer/s to reschedule the appointment and click on ‘Continue’ to proceed to the final calendar to select date and time
- c. Upon selection of date and time, confirm the appointment by clicking the ‘Confirm’ button.
- d. An appointment confirmation message will be displayed on the screen
- e. An email will be triggered to the customer/s after appointment confirmation.
3. Cancel an appointment : To cancel an appointment, customers need to have the reference number with a valid future appointment. They can click on the ‘Cancel an appointment’ link and follow the below listed steps:.
- a. Enter the reference number and click on ‘Submit’ to retrieve the customer/s details
- b. Select the customer/s to cancel the appointment and click on ‘Continue’
- c. An appointment cancellation confirmation message will be displayed on the screen
- d. An email will be triggered to the customer/s confirming about appointment cancellation
4. Email Appointment Letter : To email an appointment letter, customers need to have the reference number with a valid future appointment. They can click on the ‘Email Appointment Letter’ link and follow the below listed steps:
- a. Enter the reference number and click on ‘Submit’ to retrieve the customer/s details.
- b. Select the customer/s to print and click on the ‘Download appointment letter’ button.
- c. An email will be triggered to the customer/s.
*Mandatory Fields
Select the Language
Appointment Login
If this is the first time you are using this service, Please click on new user.
Disclaimer : The registration will expire after 30 inactive days from the last appointment date.